Rayon state administrations of the new rayons must be formed by December. Lately the Central Election Commission announced the first elections of the rayon council deputies of 119 new rayons on October, 25 (except for 10 rayons of the Crimea and 7 rayons, situated on the temporary occupied territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions). So, in November the newly elected rayon councils will conduct the first sessions, and in December rayon budgets will have to be confirmed, and other issues being in the rayon competence will have to be solved. That is why by that time rayon state administrations must be formed, to which, under the Constitution, rayon councils have to delegate most of their powers.
It was highlighted by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine during the Decentralisation Vectors: On Tasks and Further Steps open online dialogue in Chernihiv.
«To establish new rayon state administrations is a complicated but an important task, we have to quickly perform jointly with the Parliament for a brand new local self-government system to start functioning in the country from early 2021. In autumn the Verkhovna Rada is expected to authorize the Government to establish local state administrations and to adopt a new wording of the law on the local state administrations. The appropriate bill alongside with other projects of decisions important for the decentralization continuation has already been publicised for the purpose of discussions and propositions, - stated Vyacheslav Nehoda.
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