A great decentralisation will start only now, with its basis having been built, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

This year the Government and the Parliament have made decisions, enabling decentralisation to cover the whole country. In June the process of capable hromadas formation completed and in July new rayons were formed. This is the reform Ukraine has been targeting to for over six years. Now a qualitatively new system of the local authorities has to be created on this basis.

It was highlighted by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine during the Decentralisation Vectors: On Tasks and Further Steps open online dialogue, held in Khmelnytskyi.

«The old territorial arrangement on the hromada and rayon level was out of date, unbalanced due to its complicated, erratic and unclear structure. So, it didn’t   make it possible to start decentralisation – delegation of powers, resources and responsibility locally – all over the country. During the first reform years exclusively cities and amalgamated hromadas could take advantage of its odds. However, their experience and success stories are very important, having confirmed that we are on the right way. Now that the new territorial arrangement has been formed, our task for the near future is to form hromadas not just as territorial units but as a system of the local authorities bodies, capable of providing people with services in an effective and affordable way», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda.

Attached images:


V.Nehoda zakonoproekty obhovorennia


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