An assessment of the current status of local finance management in AHs

Experts of the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER), in partnership with the U-LEAD with Europe programme, in the period June - December 2019, were conducted an assessment of the current status of local finance management in 15 AHs from 10 oblasts (Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Luhansk, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad and Rivne).

The final report presents the results of the assessment looked into strategic planning, budget management including administration of revenues and expenditures, accounting, assets management, procurement, and systems of data processing and storage. Another important focus was on budget transparency and accountability.

Please see Annex for U-LEAD’s analytical report, with more detailed information about the results of the assessment of public financial management systems in AH`s.

07.08.2020 - 10:17 | Views: 9067
An assessment of the current status of local finance management in AHs

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07.08.2020 - 14:52
This is an interesting report on the situation in the AHs. The disparity across the AHs in all aspects of these assessed areas is the most significant observation and lesson from the report. It confirms the problems that were identified in an earlier report on 10 AHs. In fact, it duplicates much of the findings of the earlier report, particularly with regard to the PIT and local revenue sources. I am not sure how appropriate comparing websites features across the AHs tells you much about their overall performance. What I would have liked to know is whether any of these AHs had received technical assistance and training from the various donor organization programs, particularly DOBRE. A comparison of the AHs based on this factor would be useful to see if there any impacts and improvements from receiving this assistance. If all of them have received technical assistance and training, this would be a rather disappointing result.
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