Participatory budget: what projects have been fulfilled most of all, initiated by hromada residents – 2019 report

The participatory budget was introduced in Ukraine in 2015 as a tool of involving citizens in decision-making on the budget funds distribution. However, in 2019 only 112 out of 810 AHs (14%) fulfilled participatory budget projects. The number of such AHs ranges from 2-3 up to 11-13 per region. Totally, in 2019 at the expense of the participatory budget 617 projects were fulfilled, funded with UAH 84,6 million from the participatory budget. According to the analysis, most of all amenities and education are funded from the participatory budget. So we can assume that such spheres are the most important for hromada residents.

More detailed information about the spheres best funded from the participatory budget as well as practices of participatory budget projects implementation in certain AHs in different regions of Ukraine can be found in the report, prepared by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.


03.08.2020 - 09:40 | Views: 8595
Participatory budget: what projects have been fulfilled most of all, initiated by hromada residents – 2019 report


participatory budget participation of citizens


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