The action algorithm for local self-government bodies in leasing out municipal property (+ document samples)

In December of 2019 a new Law on the state and municipal property lease came into force, significantly changing approaches to lease relations regulation. The situation aggravated as by the middle of June of 2020 there was not adopted the procedure of the Law realisation, that’s why a lot of issues, delegated by the Law to lower level regulations for solution, were beyond the legal regulation. The relative Government resolution having appeared, even more issues have arisen as the procedure is quite extended.

The DOBRE Programme has been working at 75 AHs, improving capabilities of managing municipal assets and other property. So far, hromadas being Programme partners have approved of 228 provisions, procedures and other packages of regulations on AH assets management and 340 individual tools have been realized, aiming at AH property management efficiency enhancement. As municipal property lease is a vital instrument of managing hromada assets, the DOBRE Programme has received over 200 questions from local self-government and all those concerned.

So the DOBRE Programme has developed clarifying materials for hromadas.

24.07.2020 - 09:29 | Views: 33626
The action algorithm for local self-government bodies in leasing out municipal property (+ document samples)


budget DOBRE


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