The USAID DOBRE Programme invites AHs from three new regions to cooperate

On June, 22 there was held an online-presentation of the USAID DOBRE Programe for the AHs, planning to apply for the programme participation. Currently the fourth bunch of partners from 3 regions (Zaporizhia, Chernihiv and Chernivtsi regions), where the programme is starting to work, is being selected.

“We have been already working with 75 AHs in 7 regions. Now we are starting to work in three new regions and waiting for applications from new hromadas, – claimed the USAID DOBRE deputy director Yulia Yesmukhanova. – The main programme aim is to support the newly created AHs within decentralization and to assist them in coping with the challenges while acquiring new authorities. In our work we use an integrated approach, our programme being based on each hromada needs”.

Since June, 15 the DOBRE programme has been accepting applications. Applications will have been accepted by July, 20 (the selection conditions can be seen at the link. At the second selection phase the expert council will select the hromadas that will obtain a practical assignment and will be interviewed by the programme representatives.


competition DOBRE


Запорізька область Чернівецька область Чернігівська область


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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