25 more hromadas will participate in the DOBRE programme

At 15:00 on June, 15, 2020 the US Agency for International Development (USAID) will announce a competitive selection of 25 hromadas for the participation in the USAID Programme “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) in the press- centre of Ukraine Crisis Media Center. The DOBRE Programme participation will allow hromadas to enhance the local self-government, to create better conditions for AHs development, to increase the level of residents’ involvement in developing and making conditions, to facilitate the local economical development and to tighten accountability in public administrations.

The event will be broadcast at the Facebook-pages of the DOBRE programme, Decentralisation and the Ukraine Crisis Media Center, as well as at the Youtube-channel of the Ukraine Crisis Media Center

11.06.2020 - 19:54 | Views: 8966

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