Most deputies are ready to support the decentralization completion, understanding that it is a necessary and irreversible process, - Vitalii Bezghin

“Decentralisation is a success story. Everybody has to realize that it is high time to show its result not just in separate hromadas but all over the country. We won’t be ashamed of the decisions, having been already made and to be made in the near future,” – claimed Vitalii Bezghin, a people’s deputy of Ukraine, the head of the subcommittee on the administrative and territorial arrangement, during the online-press conference for regional mass media «Local Self-Government and Power Territorial Organisation: the Reform «Geolocation».

According to Vitalii Bezghin, currently there can be observed a unique situation in decentralization implementation when there is cooperation of the line ministry, line parliamentary committee and line department of the President’s office.

19.05.2020 - 17:13 | Views: 8283
Most deputies are ready to support the decentralization completion, understanding that it is a necessary and irreversible process, - Vitalii Bezghin


Vitalii Bezghin amalgamation of hromadas rayon


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