The programme of the international online-conference “Local Economy Revival. How the State and Local Authorities can support the Local Business during and after the Quarantine”

In the conference to be held on April, 28 representatives of the central power bodies, local self government, Ukrainian and foreign businesses will take place. Participants will discuss initiatives, aimed at supporting the local economy during the quarantine and returning economic losses after the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference will facilitate the experience and knowledge exchange, becoming the platform for all the parties concerned to communicate.

The online-conference will be broadcast at Facebook-pages of the DOBRE Programme, Decentralisation and the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, as well as at the Youtube-channels of #DOBREpractices and Ukraine Crisis Media Center (in Ukrainian and English).

24.04.2020 - 12:32 | Views: 9097
The programme of the international online-conference “Local Economy Revival. How the State and Local Authorities can support the Local Business during and after the Quarantine”


announcement business DOBRE


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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