Taking small steps to great knowledge

Mini-projects, aimed at developing the hromada, are being developed and fulfilled In the Rohan’ AH in the Kharkiv region

The Rohan’ gymnasium teaching staff prepared the Advanced Information and Computer Technologies in Studying Foreign Languages mini-project for the purpose of participating in the Together to the Future regional mini-project contest and won it.

As a result an innovative foreign languages study was created for which the gymnasium purchased 15 laptops, a multimedia projector with a screen and a router due to the total budget of the project being 171 280 UAH.

Inspired by such success, the gymnasium teachers and parents’ self-government prepared a new mini-project, targeted to the dancing hall remodeling for the amount of 280 000 UAH and won again.

At the latest Rohan village council session in February the gymnasium third floor recreation repairs and toilets arrangement were funded.

‘There can’t be too many projects’, — claims the AH head Fedir Shevchenko. — The most important thing is residents’ being interested in solving problems and their initiative. In such a case funds are sure to be found.


education management


Харківська область


Роганська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Роганська територіальна громада


Урядовий кур'єр

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