For nobody to be tempted to manipulate the local government: discussing Constitutional amendments in Lviv

Now it is the turn of the Lviv, Zakarpattia and Volyn regions to publicly discuss amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation. The amendments have to confirm the reformed system of the local self-government and new power arrangement, as well as decentralisation of power. Such public discussions are unprecedented as the whole local self-government is creating the Constitution to live pursuant to for decades.

‘It is not the matter of recording everything in the Constitution but the basic principles – subsidiarity, congruence of the financial resource and powers delegated by the state to the local self-government, as well as other principles ensuring local self-government development, must be included into the Fundamental Law. If somebody has any questions concerning all that, the answer is simple: for nobody to be tempted to manipulate the local government’, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine.

Attached images:


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Constitution V.Nehoda


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