Amendments to the Constitution in terms of decentralization will take place if they are supported by the local leaders, - public consultations continue in Vinnytsia

On March, 02 the Constitutional Provision of Decentralisation in Ukraine 2020 public discussion was held in Vinnytsia, involving representatives of the local self-government, line associations, experts and public representatives of the Vinnytsia, Ternopil and Khmelnytskyi regions.

It is planned that in March representatives of the local self-government from all the regions will gather in Kyiv once again for the purpose of summing up the public discussion results. Later, constitutionalists and parliamentary factions will be involved in the process to finalise the future constitutional amendment text. The next phase is to submit the bill on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine for the Verkhovna Rada to consider.


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Constitution


Вінницька область Тернопільська область Хмельницька область


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