Disaffection of hromadas is a consequence of scarce communication at the local level

Development of the perspective plans for the formation of oblast hromadas is coming to a close. Most of the plans are being considered at the ministries, including the MinRegion. If the process of compiling the documents has been open at the level of the oblast state administration and the hromadas have been sincerely communicated with, listened to and heard, there are almost no problems with hromadas formation. However, in some oblasts, unfortunately, decisions were made without any clarification and a qualitative dialogue with the local self-government bodies and citizens.

Today activists of Suvorivska hromada of the Odesa oblast have come to the MinRegion to demand their amalgamated hromada, which, to tell the truth, has not been created yet, to be returned to the perspective plan.

MinRegion representatives communicated with the activist, assuring them that they would continue insisting on formation of Suvorivska hromada within the perspective plan of the Odesa oblast.


S.Sharshov perspective plan


Одеська область


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