We want to hear all the opinions – contrary, independent and oppositional ones, - Denys Shmyhal on Constitutional amendments

Denys Shmyhal, Vice Prime-Minister, Minister of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, took part in the Presentation of the plan of public discussions on amending the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation of power, amending the legislation on powers and protection of rights of local self-government in Ukraine and administrative supervision over local self-government.

"I’m really stunned with the representation level at the event today. We will proceed with discussion at the oblast level. We want to hear all the opinions – contrary, independent and oppositional ones, - and to develop 2-3 versions of the possible completion of the administrative and territorial reform and the constitutional reform. Further this structured public opinion will be submitted to the parliament and the discussion will be transferred to the Verkhovna Rada. Members of the parliament should make a decision, based on the common opinion," – claimed the Vice Prime-Minister.

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