Funded by the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD), the process of assessing and selecting investment programmes and projects that may be realized being in 2020 has started

On February, 20 the Commission for Assessing and Selecting Regional Development Investment Programmes and Projects met for the first time this year. As of February, 19 propositions as for funding 480 projects have come from the regions. The Sumy and Cherkasy regional state administrations have not selected their projects for 2020 so far.

‘10% of the funds is forwarded for sports infrastructure projects and 10 % - energy efficiency projects for state and public educational and health care institutions. Not more than 10% of the SFRD funds is forwarded for the projects-winners of the All Ukrainian Public Budget contest to be realized,’ – emphasized Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

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budget V.Nehoda SFRD



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