Reader for Leaders – experts developed a handbook for the leaders of hromadas

The experts of U-LEAD with Europe Programme have prepared a handbook “Reader for Leaders. Efficient Hromada: Providing Citizens with High-Quality Services and Constant Development Assistance” (DOWNLOAD 10.4 MB).

This is a compilation of twelve thematic chapters on key issues faced by AH management:

  1. Strategic management
  2. Human resources management
  3. Local government finances
  4. Communication and interaction with citizens and government officials
  5. Administrative services
  6. Education
  7. Healthcare
  8. Public order and security
  9. Economic development
  10. Spatial planning and infrastructure development
  11. Social cohesion
  12. Rural development

Learn more about U-LEARN training portal of U-LEAD here: HERE

13.01.2020 - 11:04 | Views: 24471
Reader for Leaders – experts developed a handbook for the leaders of hromadas


safety business budget healthcare education spatial planning cooperation participation of citizens Administrative services upravlinnia


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