Internal control: the experts prepared a handbook for the local budgetary institutions

Experts of LOGICA, the project “EU for Stronger Public Finance System of Local Governments”, being implemented in Ukraine with the assistance of the European Union, have prepared a practical handbook “Internal Control: from Theory to Practice” for the local budgetary institutions.


In the opinion of Olena Chechulina, the financial control and audit expert from LOGICA project, the handbook will be useful for budgetary institutions; it will help them to understand the key point of internal control and the advantages hereof. It will also help become better informed about the requirements of the regulatory legal acts and will assist in implementing thereof into their activity.

More about the local funds and the budgetary decentralisation

28.12.2019 - 11:55 | Views: 17325
Internal control: the experts prepared a handbook for the local budgetary institutions


budget budget methodology


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