10 steps to draft and approve local budget: information for newly established AHs

Experts of LOGICA, technical assistance project 'EU for Stronger Public Finance System of Local Governments', have prepared a brochure 'Basic Steps to Draft and Approve the Local Budget for a Target Year' (DOWNLOAD 483,4 KB) highlighting classified information on the regulatory framework, steps to be taken, and the key issues to focus on.

'Properly drafted local budget and its approval is a key to effective management of budget funds throughout the budget year, which in turn will contribute to the implementation of local authorities' power in this area. We believe that this book will help representatives of local financial authorities draft and approve local budgets in a short time,' Halyna Markovych, LOGICA Public Finance Management and Local Budgeting Expert said.

21.12.2019 - 14:30 | Views: 12533
10 steps to draft and approve local budget: information for newly established AHs


budget budget methodology H.Markovych


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