According to local taxes, annual plan is performed in 11 months

According to the State Tax Service, over 11 months of 2019, UAH 242.3 billion of local taxes and fees administered by tax authorities were paid to the local budgets. Revenues increased due to the budget forming taxes of local budgets.

In particular, the annual income tax revenue approved by local councils in January-November has already been exceeded by UAH 401.4 million. With UAH 9.565 billion approved for the year the taxpayers have paid UAH 9.967 billion of this tax. At the same time, income tax in the amount of UAH 62.8 million is still expected in December.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


12.12.2019 - 11:30 | Views: 7604
According to local taxes, annual plan is performed in 11 months




Державна  податкова  служба  України

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