Award Ceremony of the Third Regional Media Contest on Decentralisation in Donetsk Oblast

On 10 December 2019 the Award Ceremony of the  Third Donetsk Regional Media Contest on local self-government reform, decentralisation and best local practices was held by Donetsk Oblast State Administration in the framework of Local Self-Government Day celebration.

The Media Contest was launched based on the Methodology of the Council of Europe adapted to the regional context with the methodological support of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Government Reform in Ukraine”.

For information:

In 2019 following the initiative and methodology of the Council of Europe were implemented:

More information in Ukrainian.

11.12.2019 - 13:18 | Views: 7369
Award Ceremony of the Third Regional Media Contest on Decentralisation in Donetsk Oblast

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Донецька область


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