Experience of Inclusive-Resource Centre of the Tetiyivska amalgamated hromada in the Kyiv Oblast
Already in 2018 the Tetiyivska AH has found UAH 1.5 million and established its modern inclusive resource centre. It is located on the territory of a secondary school, and covers an area of almost 140 square meters. In addition to a psychologist anf speech therapist’s office, there is also a rehabilitation room to work with children having disorders of the musculoskeletal system and a classroom for training. There are 149 children registered at the centre, parents of 51 more have submitted applications for conducting a comprehensive assessment of psychological and pedagogical development.
Yulia Sekeresh, Director of the Inclusive and Resource Centre of the Tetiyivska AH, told how the new system of assistance for children with special educational needs differs from what was ten years ago.
“We have many children. They have mainly speech disorders, so the help of a speech therapist is needed, some children also come already with medical findings. Today we have all the specialists – practical psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists, and rehabilitation specialists,” says Yulia Sekeresh.
According to her, parents of children with special educational needs often address the centre following the guidance of school or kindergarten teachers, who see that the child needs learning assistance or a special approach, but are unable to provide such assistance. In addition, Inclusive and Resource Centre specialists help organise inclusive schooling for a child with special educational needs.
Yulia says the approach to working with children who need corrective care or learning process organisation has changed. Emphasis is on what a particular child needs.
Inna Shcherbata, mother of a 7-year-old schoolboy who visits the inclusive and resource centre, said she applied to the IRC because her son had a stutter.
According to her, the boy visits both speech therapist and psychologist, and parents have already noticed the first results, even though the classes last just a month.
The Centre works according to new methods, which were specially purchased by the state abroad, and then adapted and translated into Ukrainian.
Yulia Sekeresh says that it is through these techniques that IRC professionals can solve many different problems.
Inclusive and resource centres across the country are being established in partnership with local and central government.
There are 561 inclusive and resource centres currently operating in Ukraine.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Київська областьГромади:
Тетіївська міська об’єднана територіальна громадаSource:
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