All releases of the radio programme on hromada development “Whole Country. Modern Hromada”

All issues of the radio programme “Whole Country. Modern Hromada” about AH development, aired by the Ukrainian Radio, are now available on one platform.

The aim of the programme was to convey objective information about decentralisation and to encourage people to take part in the social and political life of their village or city.

The main part of each release is the interview of the presenter with one or more studio guests – experts, hromada representatives, activists, investors of regional projects, representatives of initiatives aimed at supporting newly established AHs, as well as government officials.

The programme also contains stories about specific examples of self-organisation of people, introduction of an investment project, solving problems of a village or city by hromada efforts.

In addition, each programme features project implementation experience in different oblasts of Ukraine or even in other countries.

Each issue in Kyiv engaged regional branches of Suspilne.

In addition, podcasts are also located on Apple Podcasts:


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