Financial management in hromadas: issue analysis and expert recommendations to local and state authorities

From November 2018 to March 2019, U-LEAD with Europe experts evaluated the organisation of financial management in amalgamated hromadas based on DOBRE Programme methodology. This research helps to understand the level of financial management capacity in AHs, identify good practices and challenges, and common problems to address at national level.

Experts analysed 10 AHs from five oblasts. Based on this analysis, they provided guidance to AH leaders on how to improve hromada financial management. In addition, experts have formulated recommendations for public authorities on issues that cannot be addressed by hromadas on their own.

Results of the financial management system assessment can be found via the link.

29.10.2019 - 11:59 | Views: 13519
Financial management in hromadas: issue analysis and expert recommendations to local and state authorities


budget budget analytics


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