“Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists”: German standards of work and rest in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast style (3 issue)

New international season of the Million-Hryvnia Hromada.Specialists is on! Ukrainians conquer Europe. Teachers, doctors, hoteliers, mayors, and village heads exchange workplaces for one week to prove that Ukrainians can do anything. Today's issue will feature exchange of hotel managers. A specialist from a country with a cult of order will work in the highland Carpathian hromada. And a strong-willed hutsulka will manage a luxury hotel in Western Europe. Will the German reach the Hutsul standards? How will the life of the Carpathian businessmen change after their daughter returns home? Find real work and amazing adventures in the international season of the reality show.


million-hryvnia hromada tourism


Івано-Франківська область


Телеканал 1+1

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