Almost UAH 200 billion in 3 quarters: local budgets have increased opportunities for territorial development

Own revenues of local budgets of Ukraine today are almost three times higher than those over the entire 2014, which was the year of preparation of the legislative framework for financial decentralisation. Now its results speak for themselves. In course of three quarters of this year, local budgets amounted to UAH 199.6 billion, which is UAH 32 billion more compared to the same period last year, reports the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories.

“Local budgets continue to grow, so hromadas are able to implement the projects that people need. Of course, we will always hear that even these funds are not enough. This is normal because today's local self-government is potentially able to implement many more ambitious plans and infrastructure projects than opportunities allow. But we cannot deny that more and more local problems are being left behind precisely by strengthening hromadas’ capacities,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories.

Personal income tax (PIT) is the largest budget-forming tax for hromadas. According to the Ukrainian legislation, this is a national tax, however, based on the need to develop rural and urban hromadas and encourage their voluntary amalgamation, the state leaves 60% of PIT at the level of local budgets – AHs, rayons, cities of oblast significance. In general, over three quarters of this year, local budgets were replenished by UAH 119.3 billion at the expense of PIT. The growth amounted to UAH 21.2 billion compared to the last year.

Land payment income amounted to UAH 25 billion, which is UAH 4.5 billion more than the same period last year.

Actual single tax revenue amounted to UAH 24.6 billion. Growth rate made up UAH 4.5 billion.

Real estate tax receipts amounted to UAH 3.7 billion, +34.5% increase in revenues.

08.10.2019 - 16:40 | Views: 9571
Almost UAH 200 billion in 3 quarters: local budgets have increased opportunities for territorial development


budget V.Nehoda


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