Nations Palette Festival: intercultural weekend organised in Bratslavska AH

The Bratslavska AH launched the Intercultural Festival “The Palette of Nations”. The event was organised within the framework of the project implementation under the programme of the Government and the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine “Small Cities – Big Impressions”.

The Bratslavska settlement hromada is distinguished by a rich historical past and multi-ethnic culture among a number of the Vinnytsia Oblast AHs. According to hromada head Vitaliy Mazur, the territory development priorities include restoration of historical monuments, development of ethnic communities, culture and tourism in the hromada.

“We divided the festival into two parts. First, we hold a scientific conference on the place, role and history of Bratslav in Ukraine. And for the next day we have prepared a location in the centre of the settlement, where all our ethnic communities will be presented: they will show national traditions, costumes, everyday life customs, dishes, culture,” Vitaliy Mazur said.

The head of the Bratslavska AH supports decentralisation and looks forward to its successful completion.

According to Veronika Melnyk, specialist of the culture, youth and tourism department of the Bratslav settlement council, organiser of the festival, during the event preparation, scientists expressed interest in further cooperation with the hromada.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

10.09.2019 - 10:13 | Views: 12902

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culture Kultura krashchi praktyky


Вінницька область


Брацлавська територіальна громада


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