"Land of Drevlians": new tourist route to appear in Zhytomyr Oblast

The “Land of Drevlians” tourist cluster is planned to be launched for four AHs of the Zhytomyr Oblast.

In the north of the Zhytomyr Oblast, four amalgamated hromadas (AHs) plan to launch a joint tourist route. The first attempt to unite their museums, historical sites and natural wonders was made by the Ovrutska and Slovechanska AHs.

The journalists tested the route through faraway places of the Zhytomyr Polissya during the Tourist Potential of the Slavonic-Ovruch Mountain Range press tour organised by the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.




Tourism to be in priority

“Tourism is one of the key directions in the development strategy of the Ovrutska AH. We have signed a memorandum of partnership with the Olevska, Narodnytska and Slovechanska amalgamated hromadas, within which we plan to create a “Land of Drevlians” tourist cluster. This route is organised for several days. Its duration and length will be determined when proposals are received from all hromadas.




The basis for the press tour was formed by the well-known Stone Flower route, developed by the Ovrutska AH based on developments of the Slovechanska AH.


From XII century temple to centre of Hasidic pilgrimage


The route starts from Ovruch, whereto Princess Olha moved the centre of the Land of Drevlians after Korosten (Isokrosten) was burnt. The city, as well as its surroundings, is rich in history and interesting sights.






Alternative to mountains of Polissya

The journey along the Slovechanska AH starts from the place where the average geographical meridian of continental Europe passes.

“We want to show people that there are many interesting places worth exploring and discovering in the Zhytomyr Oblast. The Slovechanska AH offers two museums and a settlement to be visited. Travelling here, we can make sure we also have mountains,” says Pavlo Verpivskyi, secretary of the Slovechne Village Council.




According to Dmytro Klymenko, Communications Adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC, the idea of the press tour is to open interesting places of the Zhytomyr Oblast and to motivate investors to build tourist infrastructure in the north of the oblast.

“The Ovrutska and Slovechanska AHs have many interesting sites that are a magnet for tourists. We strive to show that we do not have to go far to see beautiful places or history. You can take a bus in the morning and see many incredible sites during the day. So far, there is not enough infrastructure around these facilities, but we hope that businessmen who can open hostels and catering establishments will pay attention to it,” Mr Klymenko summarised.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click LINK

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