Parafiyivska hromada starts work on development strategy for 2021-2017

Starting from September this year, the Parafiyivska amalgamated hromada, which was one of the first in the Chernihiv Oblast, will collect the data necessary to start developing a new strategy for the 2021-2027.

This decision was made after a meeting of Volodymyr Boyko, regional development adviser of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, with Valentyna Karpenko, Parafiyivka settlement head, as well as starostas, executive committee members, budget organisations, and public figures.

“The first hromada strategy has a visible social character – this is how it is implemented. And in strict adherence to the principle specifying that in every starosta district people should see positive results of the reform. In three and a half years, the conditions of activity of budgetary institutions and establishment have significantly improved. All three secondary schools in Parafiyivka, Ivanytsya, and Yuzhne were overhauled including replacement of roofs, windows and doors, facade insulation, heating modernisation etc. Kindergartens were also repaired,” said Valentyna Karpenko.

Volodymyr Boyko noted that in his opinion, the Parafiyivska AH should focus on tourism cluster development in its development strategy.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернігівська область


Парафіївська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Парафіївська територіальна громада


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