Local budgets grow: UAH 150.9 billion in 7 months

During January-July 2019, local budgets received UAH 150.9 billion. Compared to the same period last year, revenues increased by 20.7% or by UAH 25.9 billion. Over the 7 months of 2018, UAH 125.1 billion were allocated to local budgets.

In July this year, local budgets received UAH 23.4 billion, that by 23.8%, or UAH 4.5 billion, exceeds the inflow in July 2018.

Personal income tax is the main source of local budget revenues and occupies the largest share – 60.9%. During January-July 2019, the revenues from this tax amounted to UAH 92.0 billion, which is 22.5% or UAH 16.9 billion more than in the corresponding period of 2018.

In July this year, taxpayers directed UAH 14.8 billion of PIT to local budgets, which is 25.5% or UAH 3.0 billion more than in July 2018.

07.08.2019 - 12:30 | Views: 9567
Local budgets grow: UAH 150.9 billion in 7 months




Прес-служба Державної фіскальної служби України

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