AHs will be able to levy land payment from unscrupulous payers – Government's decision

On 19 June, the Government approved amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 19 April 1993 No 284 “On the Procedure for Determining and Compensation for Damage to Land Owners and Land Users”.

From now on the AHs will be able to independently control land use and protection. This will allow receiving additional revenues to local budgets in the form of compensation for losses (unearned incomes), the Association of Ukrainian Cities reports.

The AUC recalled that the current procedure for the determination and compensation for damage to land owners and land users allowed the executive bodies of cities of oblast significance to levy land payments, in particular from land users, who use land plots without title documents, in the form of unearned income. However, the order was not extended to other local self-government bodies, in particular, amalgamated hromadas.

The adopted resolution changes the order – in the list of bodies entitled to create a commission for the determination and compensation of damage to land owners and land users, the words “executive committees of city councils (cities of oblast significance)” are replaced by executive committees of village, settlement and city councils.

Therefore, now AHs will be able to charge a land fee from unscrupulous payers.

We recall that last year AHs received land outside settlements into their ownership, but the issue of compensation for losses in the field of land management remained non-standardised.

20.06.2019 - 13:05 | Views: 28501
AHs will be able to levy land payment from unscrupulous payers – Government's decision


land amalgamation of hromadas


Асоціація міст України

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