ANNOUNCEMENT! Trainings on “Effective Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage” to be held in 10 oblasts

A series of trainings on “Effective Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage” will be held in 10 oblasts of the Central and Western Ukraine. Representatives of line departments of local authorities, activists and those dealing with the cultural heritage are welcome to participate. The preference will be given to teams consisting of two participants from one city, town or AH (one representative of local authorities and one representative of civil society institutes, or a person connected with the cultural heritage).

The Programme of trainings suggests lectures, practical exercises and work over a portfolio of cultural heritage facilities of participants’ own cities.

The Training contains three blocks:

  1. Management and communication of the historical and cultural heritage.
  2. Economics of the historical and cultural heritage.
  3. Project management: Idea – Application - Implementation - Report.

Lviv: 18–20 July; 15-17 August; 5–7 September.

Uman: 11-13 July; 8-10 August; 12-14 September.

  • Participants from the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Volyn, and Ternopil Oblasts will attend trainings in Uman.
  • Participants from the Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr, Rivne, and Khmelnytskyi Oblasts will attend trainings in Lviv.

The final date of submitting the application is 27 June 2019.

Registration form:

Event in Facebook:

The trainings are part of the Project called ReHERIT «Joint Responsibility for Joint Heritage» funded by the European Union

20.06.2019 - 11:41 | Views: 9842
ANNOUNCEMENT! Trainings on “Effective Management of Historical and Cultural Heritage” to be held in 10 oblasts


announcement culture study


Проект ReHERIT «Спільна відповідальність за спільну спадщину»

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