ASC: results of the administrative service reform

Changes in the area of administrative service delivery impact of the ASC establishment on the lives of Ukrainian citizens – were discussed in the programme “Reformers – Help the President with Reforms on the Hromadske radio.

In May 2014, the Cabinet of Ministers issued Resolution No 523-r “Some Issues of Providing Administrative Services of the Executive Bodies through the Administrative Service Delivery”, which regulated the list of the most popular (basic) services to be provided through ASCs. We will try to understand what has changed since then, and whether this reduced the time spent on bureaucratic procedures in obtaining administrative services.

The programme covered the following issues:

  • What services can be obtained at any centre, and which are only according to registration?
  • Are there large queues in the newly established ASCs?
  • What visitors bother administrators?

Viktor Tymoshchuk, expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and Centre for Political and Legal Reforms told more on what the administrative service reform has provided.


"Even in rural hromadas, where the U-LEAD with Europe Pogramme worked, a person can register the birth of a child, place of residence, apply for state aid at the birth of a child, obtain a certificate of a large family, etc., having no need to visit the rayon centre. In some rural ASCs one can make a biometric passport and go abroad, register a child in line to the kindergarden, etc.

Positive sides are obvious, since people now have 40-50 working hours per week, and they do not have to guess which day an official is working or not, and choose a convenient visit time, as the ASCs work without lunch breaks and at least one day – until 20:00. ASCs in the oblast centres work on Saturday.”

ASC opening in the Polonska AH


The ASC already provides 173 services in the main areas: business registration, real estate registration, registration of residence, public formations, StateGeoCadaster services, issuance of permits, passport services, etc.

More information on the number and location of the ASCs in Ukraine can be found on the interactive map.

Viktor Tymoshchuk urged all Ukrainian hromadas to apply for the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support and participate in the competition for the ASC establishment, as U-LEAD’s fouth and final round of support to improved administrative service delivery is coming to an end.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Administrative services V.Tymoshchuk


Громадське радіо

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