Summing up contest of ideas "... FOR LIFE WITHOUT WASTE ..."

Within the "Improving the quality of services in the field of waste management at the municipal level" Project supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and the GIZ Ukraine Sustainable Economic Development Cluster, the contest of ideas for the best initiative on effective waste management was held among the pilot amalgamated hromadas of the Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk and Zhytomyr Oblasts. 29 applications from pilot hromadas of the project in 3 regions were approved to participate in the contest. 9 AHs from the Volyn Oblast took part in it.

The best ideas were selected by the Contest Commission, consisting of the representatives of oblast authorities, regional LGDC advisers, representatives of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the GIZ project and expert community. The evaluation was carried out according to a score system, and the final results were generated automatically under a defined selection criteria due to the Contest Rules and Regulations.

According to the results of the Contest, the project will support the initiatives of those hromadas in each pilot region that scored the most points.

The winners in the Volyn Oblast are:

• Kniahynynivska AH

• Dubivska AH

• Liubeshivska AH

• Boratynska AH

• Lytovezka AH

By 3 June 2019, the winning hromadas have to finalise their project applications according to the rules of cooperation with GIZ.

By 24 June 2019, representatives of the winning hromadas will conclude agreements with the project and will receive funding to implement the initiative.

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