2019 Competition of Journalistic Reports on decentralisation started

This is for the fourth time MinRegion holds the All-Ukrainian Competition of Journalistic Reports "Reforming Local Self-Governance and Territorial Organisation of Power".

Materials in four nominations are accepted for the Competition:

  • online publication,
  • article (in printed media),
  • radio material
  • video material.

The materials should be published for the first time within the period from 1 January to 30 September 2019.

Competition materials should be submitted until 6 p.m. 30 September 2019.

A participant may submit no more than one competition work for each of the nominations, having drawn them up in separate competitive applications.

Themed priorities of competitive works

· Purpose, task, content, expected results and benefits of the reform aimed at decentralisation and development of local self-government.

· Voluntary amalgamation of hromadas.

· Cooperation of hromadas.

· Financial decentralisation and resource support for local and regional development.

· Increasing the capacity of local self-government bodies to provide quality services to the population and to build hromadas’ prosperity.

· Best practices of local self-government bodies in Ukraine on issues of socio-economic development of territories, their compliance with European standards and world trends.

Prize fund from the Council of Europe Programme.

There are three awards envisaged in each of the four nominations:

  • І prize – UAH 20 000,
  • ІІ prize – UAH 15 000,
  • ІІІ prize – UAH 10 000.

Application form of the Competition participant is available by the link: http://bit.ly/ApplicationForm-2019

Detailed information on the Competition can be received on the phone: (044) 458-44-40; (044) 501-92-03; (093) 403-58-87; (097) 917-70-70, or by e-mail: contest@internews.ua

More information on the Competition is available HERE>>


Partner of the Competition – “Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reform in Ukraine" Council of Europe Programme and “Internews-Ukraine” PO.

The Regulation on the Competition is approved by the Order No. 113 of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine dated 16 May 2017, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 9 June 2017 under No. 706/30574.

In 2019, the Competition is held according to the Order No. 98 of the Ministry of Regional Development as of 15 April 2019.

11.05.2019 - 11:12 | Views: 9002
2019 Competition of Journalistic Reports on decentralisation started





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