ATTENTION! Competitive selection to DESPRO Local Self-Governance School-2019 opened

The Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) announces a competition for the DESPRO School of Local Self-Governance (School), that will take place in the following stages:

  • I full-time session in Kyiv ― 17-20 September 2019,

  • II full-time session in Kyiv ― 22-25 Ovtober 2019.

Two training branches are planned in the School curriculum: for AH teams and young LSG specialists.

To apply for participation, please send an e-mail by 10 June 2019 (incl.) to, indicating “application for study in the “AH Team” group” OR “application for study in the “Young LSG Specialists of AH” group in the subject matter of the letter.

More information about the DESPRO Local Self-Governance School can be found on the official website of the project at the link.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

25.04.2019 - 17:34 | Views: 18013

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announcement competition DESPRO



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