Fire station opened in Ust-Putylska AH

A local fire station was opened in the Ust-Putylska AH of the Chernivtsi Oblast on 12 April. It has become 93th in the oblast and the first established in an AH since 2015.

The nearest to hromada fire station is located in Putyl, which is 15 km distance from it, and in the conditions of mountainous areas, the time of arrival to call site increases.

The AH has already formed a team of volunteers, and the State Emergency Service Department of the Putyl Rayon handed them a fire truck. The truck will be temporarily located at the forestry area, and the AH plans to build a garage for it soon.


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safety firefighters fire safety


Чернівецька область


Усть-Путильська територіальна громада


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