Children's scientific laboratory, dentist's office and conference room opened in Kamianomostivska hromada


The schoolchildren of the Kamianomostivska amalgamated hromada in the Mykolayiv Oblast can now carry out experiments in a scientific laboratory opened at the local school. The hromada residents will visit a dentist’s office in the village of Katerynka free of charge. A renovated conference room of the village council was also opened here. All three projects were implemented within the framework of hromada's cooperation with the “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) Programme implemented by the international organisation Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The well-equipped scientific laboratory in Kamianyi Mist general secondary school will help schoolchildren feel like real scientists - to conduct simple and safe experiments in order to learn more about the world around.


The idea of ​​the project arose during one of USAID DOBRE Programme's forums with the participation of Iryna Solovyova, leading specialist of the educational department.


The residents of the villages of Katerynka, Kumary, Kinetspil and Poltavka were looking forward to opening of the dentist's office. Previously, the dentist used out-of-date equipment, and it was necessary to go to the rayon centre in order to make a tooth x-ray.

“Today, for the first time, I see so many people happy to visit a dentist. This, indeed, is an indicator of the fact that services in the hromada are improving - this is the essence of the DOBRE Programme. We are proud to be a small part of this project, because all the merits belongs to the hromada head, his team, residents who supported this project,” said Barry Reed, head of the USAID DOBRE Programme.

"The cooperation with the DOBRE Programme gives our hromada an opportunity to develop, improve service delivery to residents and move together to the better future," said Oleksandr Liakhov, head of the Kamianomostivska hromada.


A renovated conference room was inaugurated the same day. Now, sessions, presentations, trainings, and online conferences will take place in comfortable conditions, and due to the modern technical equipment more hromada residents will be able to participate in various events. After celebration, guests and hromada members gathered in the conference room to discuss hromada's achievements and plans for the future.

In addition to the implementation of these projects, the Kamianomostivska AH has four playgrounds and a concert hall in the village club. The hromada is now establishing municipal cooperation with the city of Pervomaysk in order to jointly solve the problem of solid domestic waste disposal.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Attached images:


Миколаївська область


Кам'яномостівська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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