Methodological recommendations for preparation of mid-term local budgets in 2019 appeared

At the beginning of 2019, changes to the Budget Code of Ukraine introduced the medium-term (three-year) budget planning.

In order to assist local financial institutions in drafting decision on local budget for 2020 and local budget forecast for 2020-2022, the Association of Ukrainian Cities together with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine worked out Methodological Recommendations for the preparation of mid-term local budgets in 2019.

As a result of the joint work, on 29 March, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine approved with its order No.130 respected Methodological Recommendations to enhance the capacity of local state administrations and executive local self-government bodies in terms of medium-term budget planning.

15.04.2019 - 12:37 | Views: 15055
Methodological recommendations for preparation of mid-term local budgets in 2019 appeared


budget budget methodology


Асоціація міст України

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