If elections’ appointment continues to be delayed, there are risks of slowing down new AHs’ formation, - Vyacheslav Nehoda comments on Decentralisation Monitoring

888 amalgamated hromadas (AHs) with population of more than 9 million people have been formed in Ukraine as of 10 April 2019. They include 24 cities of oblast significance, that amalgamated with the neighbouring village and settlement councils. The five leading regions in the implementation of decentralisation remain unchanged. The Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv, Khmelnytskyi Oblasts continue to lead the ranking of oblasts in terms of capable hromadas’ formation.

This is evidenced by the data of Monitoring of the decentralisation process and local self-government reform (DOWNLOAD), prepared by MinRegion.

The Ministry reported that not all amalgamated hromadas work within decentralisation. 45 AHs, where the first local elections did not take place last year as a result of external military aggression (martial law was introduced in 10 oblasts), are still waiting for the Central Election Commission's decision to appoint elections. The number of those waiting for the decision of the CEC was replenished by another 37 newly formed AHs.

“The process of hromadas’ amalgamation is moving forward. People are interested in the development of their hromadas. But efficiency of this process depends, among other things, on the Central Election Commission. We hope that in the nearest future these hromadas will be able to hold their first local elections. They should understand that others, who are still discussing the possibility of AH formation, look up to them. If the appointment of elections continues to be delayed, there are risks of slowing down new AHs’ formaiton. This should be prevented,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

He also focused on rayons that still have no AH established. There are 95 of them, one rayon less than last month.

“We have information that in many of these rayons there are public debates on capable hromadas’ formation held. But the issue runs in place. Not everyone equally understands the principle of voluntariness in hromadas’ amalgamation. Obviously, for someone, it means the opportunity to avoid the reform. It's a mistake. In 2020, local elections should take place on a new territorial basis of hromadas, and they will be held,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

11.04.2019 - 10:04 | Views: 14887
If elections’ appointment continues to be delayed, there are risks of slowing down new AHs’ formation, - Vyacheslav Nehoda comments on Decentralisation Monitoring


V.Nehoda monitoring amalgamation of hromadas


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