Since the beginning of the year, local budgets have received UAH 59.9 billion, - State Fiscal Service

In January-March 2019, local budgets received UAH 59.9 billion of payments, the State Fiscal Service reports. It is 17.6%, or UAH 9 billion more than in the corresponding period of the last year.

In March taxpayers directed UAH 19.5 billion to local budgets. Compared to March of the last year, revenues grew by 8%, or by UAH 1.5 billion.

Since the beginning of the year, the consolidated budget has received UAH 60 billion of PIT. It is 22.6%, or 11.1 billion more than in the corresponding period of last year.

In March personal income tax inflow amounted to UAH 21.3 billion. Compared to March 2018, these revenues grew by 22%, or by UAH 3.8 billion.

08.04.2019 - 12:09 | Views: 8695
Since the beginning of the year, local budgets have received UAH 59.9 billion, - State Fiscal Service




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