MinRegion developed practical guide for regional development agencies on paid service delivery

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine has developed a practical manual “Paid Services of Regional Development Agencies”.

Thus, it contains information on:

— directions of activity of the agencies;

— paid services that can be provided;

— potential recipients of services;

— experience of providing paid services by the regional development agencies in Ukraine and other European countries.

This manual is the first step in providing advisory, methodological and practical assistance to regional development agencies in order to increase the effectiveness of their activities. In future, together with the group of advisers of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, an expanded guide on the agencies’ activities will be prepared. The manual will include practical recommendations for the development of a typical business plan of agencies, methodology for calculating the cost of services, typical agreement on the paid service delivery, financing procedure of regional development agencies, etc.

The manual is available HERE

29.03.2019 - 12:43 | Views: 9921
MinRegion developed practical guide for regional development agencies on paid service delivery


regional development agency regional development



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