13 January 2025

Cohesion and communication with people give results - head of Zborivska AH


In the frames of the UCMC-DOBRE project, Ruslan Maksymiv, head of the Zborivska urban AH of the Ternopil Oblast explained why large hromadas have ample opportunities for the development of their territories.

The Zborivska hromada was formed in 2017. It consists of 16 councils, including 38 settlements and almost 16 thousand people. Ruslan Maksymiv, former Zboriv mayor, said that the city used to live well-off and united before amalgamation. However, they understood that decentralisation would provide more opportunities. Ruslan Maksymiv said that one of the most important advantages is the opportunity to raise additional funds and start-up aid from the state. The Zborivska AH received UAH 4.7 million of subvention over the first year. The hromada also got an opportunity to participate in various grants, programmes.

"We have done a lot – somewhere replaced the heating, somewhere carried out reorganisation and redistributed funds.”

The DOBRE Programme helps the Zborivska AH to elaborate its development strategy. Since the hromada is located in an agricultural area, land acquisition was a significant advantage of decentralisation for the residents.

Investors from Germany have already looked at several land plots, the hromada is now waiting for their decision.

There are two wind turbines in Zboriv as well as plans to install six more, one of which has already got necessary documents.

Ruslan Maksymiv says that a large hromada can plan work more efficiently.

Roads repairs remain the challenge for the Zborivska AH, as well as for many other hromadas.

“The AH has funds and it analyses where to spend them – it sees its future, direction to move to. Now the cohesion of all starostas, deputy corps, communication with people yield fruit. People saw the result, and this is in the conditions of war. So, there are changes for the better,” sums up the Ruslan Maksymiv.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


DOBRE speaker


Тернопільська область


Зборівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Зборівська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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