Enrollment of participants to female leadership school announced for Dnipropetrovsk Oblast’s hromadas

NGO Dnipro Gender Club with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme announces a competition for participation in the project Mentoring, networking and dialogue for the purpose of attracting young women to policy-making.

The project is being implemented in four AHs of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: Krynychanska, Ilarionivska, Mykolayivska (Petropavlivka Rayon) and Novooleksandrivska hromadas. It will facilitate the effective involvement of women in policy and decision-making, and increase the gender balance in relevant local institutions.

Questionnaire for participation to be submitted by April 1 (inclusive): https://forms.gle/4SEchrdZpbX4LzxZ8

The project will be implemented during April-October 2019. The first training is to be held in early April.

Participation in the project is free of charge.

Participants will be selected on a competitive basis.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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