The updated financial capacity index of the AH school education network in 2019 (DOWNLOAD) was calculated by the experts from the Central Reform Office under MinRegion (U-LEAD with Europe Programme). It shows hromadas the degree of compliance of their real network with the model, financed by the state.
According to educational expert Serhii Dyatlenko, as last year, allocation of educational subvention between local budgets is based on an updated formula that takes into account many indicators. The main ones are the number of pupils and territory specifics (percentage of rural population and pupils’ density per sq km). On their basis, the estimated filling of classes (EFC) is defined for each hromada, that is, the forecast of the minimal number of pupils in the classes of the hromada. The relative correspondence of the actual (real) filling of classes (AFC) to the estimated one should ensure sufficient financing of salaries with accruals for educators in general educational institutions (see appendix – orange zone).
If the AFC exceeds the EFC (see annex – green zone), hromada’s educational system will have the opportunity to pay extra and provide material incentives for teaching staff.
Insufficiency of the educational subvention to pay salaries arises, when the actual filling of classes is significantly lower than the estimated one (see appendix – red zone).
The financial capacity index of the AH school education network is based on the difference between the EFC and the AFC.
The expert informed that in course of practical work with certain hromadas on financial capacity index of the AH educational network in relation to the indicators of 2018, the following pattern was established: 1-figure difference between the actual and estimated filling of classes (AFC-EFC) turns into UAH 1 thousand surplus / deficit of educational subvention per pupil at the end of the year.
On the basis of this pattern, the experts calculated and included the forecasted indicative surplus / deficit of the educational subvention for AH in 2019 to the table.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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