The myth that multinationality is an obstacle to hromadas’ development was dispelled in Odesa Oblast

National diversity is an asset and provides a number of opportunities for hromada development, in particular through the use of instruments for cross-border and international cooperation. On 18-19 February, participants of the first module of the joint project of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and the European Centre for Minority Issues “Diversity Management for Socio-Economic Development” discussed this topic in Odesa.

The event was attended by the representatives of the village council from the south of the Odesa Oblast, that have not yet formed amalgamated hromadas, as well as representatives of the Bilyayivska and Vylkivska AHs.

According to Mykola Bohoyev, Horodnie village head (Bolgrad Rayon), the national factor has never been an obstacle to communication, work, and even creation of multi-ethnic families. His colleague Petro Kyulafli, Dmytrivka village head, agrees with him on this issue:

“Our village has established ties with Moldova, with Gagauz territorial autonomy. We develop our original culture very seriously, we keep our native language, learn it. We have interesting ideas of cross-border cooperation and attraction of grants and investments with participation of our youth. Yet the next step is to be made, people should unite and use all the opportunities provided by the contemporary open world,” he said.

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20.02.2019 - 09:55 | Views: 8048
The myth that multinationality is an obstacle to hromadas’ development was dispelled in Odesa Oblast

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