How regions distributed supplementary subsidy between local budgets in 2019

The state budget for 2019 has provided UAH 14.9 billion of supplementary subsidy for the maintenance of educational and healthcare establishments. These funds were transferred to oblast budgets, and oblast state administrations distributed them among the local budgets.

Experts have shown how the supplementary subsidy is distributed among local budgets (Table 1):
• The share of oblast budgets amounts to UAH 6.67 billion or 44.8% of the supplementary subsidy total amount;
• The budgets of cities of oblast significance receive UAH 739.3 million (5%);
• The rayon budgets get UAH 4.94 billion (33.1%);
• The budgets of amalgamated hromadas receive UAH 2.01 billion (13.5%);
• The unallocated funds amount to UAH 535.5 million (3.6%).

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


budget budget analytics Viktor Ventsel Ihor Herasymchuk


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