Smart specialisation is obligatory in the system of strategic regional development planning, - MinRegion

The system of strategic regional development planning must necessarily involve smart specialisation, emphasised Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services, during an online meeting with representatives of oblast state administrations, where the preparation of regional development strategies for the new programme period of 2021-2027 was discussed. The Association Agreement with the EU stipulates that by the end of 2025 Ukraine should bring its legislation closer to the EU legislation and implement the provisions of about 350 EU directives, regulations and decisions in the Ukrainian legislation.

One of such changes is the introduction of smart specialisation in the system of strategic regional development planning, already determined by the relevant regulatory framework.

According to Vyacheslav Nehoda, it is assumed that at least one strategic objective of the regional strategy should be defined on smart specialisation principles and aimed at the innovative development of a limited number of economic activities in the region.

"Such priorities should be selected taking into account the world market and technological trends of innovation development, and foster the search for those areas of economic activity that are competitive at the national and international level,” said the First Deputy Minister.

He emphasised that smart specialisation approach cannot be implemented, if in the process of regional strategy preparation implementors will not adhere to the approved methodology, especially in terms of a broad public discussion of development priorities with representatives of innovative and export-oriented businesses, academics, and regional development agencies.

Vyacheslav Nehoda informed that MinRegion representatives will attend most of the meetings of regional working groups on strategy preparation.

“If we see that strategies’ preparation goes not in accordance with the approved methodology, then it will be very difficult for the region to get funding for these strategies. Remember that the next chance to improve regional strategies will come only in seven years.”

More information on regional development strategies for 2021-2027 is available HERE

05.02.2019 - 16:45 | Views: 16655
Smart specialisation is obligatory in the system of strategic regional development planning, - MinRegion


V.Nehoda regional development


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