Intermunicipal cooperation - new manual from DESPRO

DESPRO experts have developed a manual “Agreements on intermunicipal cooperation in domestic waste management.

The publication is devoted to legal aspects and practical features of territorial hromadas’ cooperation.

The manual will be useful to representatives of local self-government, regional and central executive authorities, international donor organisations, non-governmental organisations, experts, specialists, teachers and students - all those who are interested in the development of the institute of territorial hromadas’ cooperation in Ukraine and intend to develop own theoretical knowledge, and practical skills.

The authors of the manual are Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi, DESPRO expert on public services and monitoring, and Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, DESPRO expert-consultant on territorial hromadas’ cooperation.

“We have collected our actual work on the preparation of contracts to implement joint projects between hromadas,” says Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi. “The key case considered in the publication is to create a system of integrated management of solid domestic waste for several hromadas in the Novi Sanzhary rayon of the Poltava Oblast. Such examples of cooperation in waste management should be distributed, as the National Waste Management Strategy till 2030 provides the following: the optimal waste management system should cover from 150 to 400 thousand residents. This means that only by joint efforts the hromada will be able to provide itself with high-quality public services.”

All materials in the manual are free to use and distribute for non-commercial purposes, with reference to authors and the subject of property rights to this information and development.

The manual may be downloaded at DESPRO site

and in our online library.


30.12.2018 - 13:18 | Views: 13428

Attached images:


DESPRO cooperation Oleksandr Vrublevskyi V.Sorokovskyi



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