State support of regions and hromadas will amount to over UAH 30 billion in 2019

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman described the Government’s support to be provided to regions and hromadas in 2019 on his official Facebook page:

  • UAH 14.7 billion for construction and repair of local roads.
  • UAH 7.7 billion – State Fund for Regional Development.
  • UAH 4.7 billion for socio-economic development of regions.
  • UAH 2.1 billion to form infrastructure in amalgamated hromadas.
  • UAH 1 billion for rural healthcare.

In addition, there are subventions envisaged for the continuation of the New Ukrainian School reform, healthcare reform implementation, purchase of angiographs, farming support, as well as construction and reconstruction of sports complexes.

“But most importantly, one should switch from funds’ disbursement on the ground to resolving the “money earning” issue in order to invest it in the economy development and quality of life of people,” wrote Volodymyr Groysman.

28.12.2018 - 11:11 | Views: 10713

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budget Volodymyr Groysman


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