Koropska AH adopted cooperative development programme

The Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, believes that creation of agricultural cooperatives in AHs is a direction of activity that can develop the economy and enhance hromadas’ capacity. During the year, there have been study visits, as well as trainings and workshops on this topic, organised to other hromadas, where the cooperative movement is already functioning and successfully developing, for AH representatives.

The Koropska hromada has long been thinking about jobs creation and economic potential development. And according to AH representatives, cooperatives could become a good solution to these issues. But in order to act effectively and prudently, we decided to study the experience of other hromadas that have already been working in this domain.

That is why Valentyna Korolyova, Chief Specialist of the Department of Economics, Municipal Initiatives, Investments and Energy Management of the Korop Settlement Council, along with other representatives of theChernihiv Oblast’s AHs, took part in the study visit to hromadas of the Ternopil Oblast, which have already become the flagships of the Ukrainian cooperative movement.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернігівська область


Коропська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Коропська територіальна громада


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